Monday, February 4, 2019

Adventures of an Unpaid Carer

Are We?

Gosh! Who knows? 

I started a blog during dementia awareness week,  and was encouraged to keep it going, but at the time, I did not have the energy. Somehow, with the New Year, bit by bit, my energy is coming back........ so here I am again!

I hope the reader does not mind this large type, but it is easier for me ( I am very old, you see, now I have had a big birthday) and I guess, easier for someone reading it - presuming that someone does read it!

Bang! Bang! Bang! 

Did you hear that?

It was me, banging my head against the proverbial brick wall.  And I guess I am not the only one. Over the last months, I have been trying to get through this brick wall, using TV and the media. I was on BBC Breakfast Time back in September and on the BBC website  with reference to Carer's issues. I have also given interviews to various magazines etc. the last one was only on Friday.

I am not telling you this because I think I am doing anything special - I am not, no more than any other carer, who is sticking their head over the top of the wall.

My particular bete noire is the anomaly that has existing through various Governments for donkeys years. 

And what is that?
I know, it might seem jolly well boring, but - just think about it for a bit...

Attendance Allowance - my OH get's this allowance because he is sufficiently disabled to need it ( sadly). It is a Tax Free allowance that is not means tested. He is still able to claim the Attendance Allowance even though he gets a State Pension.

Carers Allowance - if one cares for someone for over 35 hours a week, they can apply for Carer's Allowance, as long as any earned income does not exceed Govt specifications. Fair enough.Just like the Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance is Tax Free and not means tested. BUT, and it is a big 'but' if the carer is claiming their State Pension, they cannot claim Carer's Allowance.

Did you read that?

Do not think you are mistaken - that is what I typed.

Older carers, like myself, are saving successive Governments MILLIONS of POUNDS each year because they cannot claim this allowance.

and that is my personal  bete noire

and for today that is enough - but, I ask you, dear reader, whoever and wherever you are, if you think that this is discrimination against older carers, or if you are an older carer, why not write to your local County Councillor? You might get more from them than the local MP.... 

If enough of us carers stood up to be counted, and I know that is hugely difficult, given how exhausted and unhappy we are, perhaps,  someone will listen.

and that takes me back to the beginning......

and have a cup of tea


  1. Thanks for your post.
    I had no idea this was the case with CA.

  2. Looking forward to more of your posts.
    Take care ❤
